Happy New Years By Adsy

New Years Eve. A time for celebrating and enjoying a good night out with friends. At least for some of us. I have a friend that peaked a little too early and didn’t realise until much later. Our day started as I suspect many other people’s had. We met up around midday for a BBQ at a park and a few drinks to start the day. It was good to catch up with some friends that we hadn't seen in a while. After a swim in the pool and a few more drinks, we got ready and made our way out to the bar we had chosen as our NYE destination. At 9pm there are usually family fireworks, so that those with kids could leave early and let the revelers continue on. One of my mates had imbibed his drinks a little too much by this point, and when the 9pm fireworks started, he screamed “Happy New Year”, kissed 2 random girls nearby to him, then turned to us and said “Guys, I’m drunk and that’s New Years, have a safe night”, and walked out of the bar. We got a phone call from him at 11:30pm asking us where we were because he was trying to get back to celebrate the real NYE with us. We thought it best to tell him we had all gone home already. Great night.

in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia


Small time gal from a country town. Wait, no that isn't right, but what the hell it's more interesting than anything else I have.

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