A Blast From The Past By Lorraine Penn

What an amazing coincidence happened to me recently, when I reconnected with a lady who taught me how to bellydance over an outrageous weekend approximately 20 years ago in a quaint little railway town near Lithgow NSW.

A work colleague and best friend had convinced me that taking time out from the stresses of work and to learn something new was going to be rewarding and fun for the both of us.

Thinking that I could actually learn how to bellydance over a weekend was going to be a challenge, but hey I am always up for a challenge, especially when fun was going to be had.

On arriving at the weekend venue we could see a large sign ‘Bellydancers Extraordinary Here Tomorrow Night’ across the front of the next-door building, a hotel. Wow! We both thought and booked ourselves into the accommodation whilst greeting other ladies who were also up for the challenge.

A gentleman who had attended a business course during the week decided to stay over the weekend to see these bellydancers.

He was completely in his element, having an array of women wanting to learn to dance. He took it upon himself to escort us the following night to the hotel to see these Extraordinary Dancers!

This little town had grown substantially overnight with railway men deciding to see these bellydancers too!

To our shock, the bellydancers extraordinary were our ladies!

Some polite fast-talking and a lot of laughter enabled everyone, especially me, have a terrific weekend.

in Lithgow, New South Wales, Australia


Born in Kogarah, NSW semi-retired on the North Coast where I am giving back to the community as a mentor, board director, former president of Coffs Harbour Writers Group & turning my life into a book.

See Lorraine's profile.

Lorraine's website.


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