Dog Collar By Andrew Towers

My Mam used to run the Sunday School in the village. Anglican. Kindly vicar. The kindly vicar left and an evil vicar came. Alike in most respects to the Witchfinder General. There was a PCC meeting. My Mam said she thought women should be allowed to be priests. Outrage. My Mam was sacked as Sunday School teacher. My Mam was on her way to the butchers, and encountered the Witchfinder General. He snubbed her, right there in the street. My Granny invited the Witchfinder to afternoon tea. He said he sensed the Devil in our sitting room. My Granny told him he was 'No man of God,' and made him take off his dog collar, get down on his knees and pray for forgiveness. He totally did it.

in Hartlepool, England, United Kingdom


SWM. Likes long walks on the beach, medium-sized walks on gravel and short walks on tarmac. Kind to children and small animals. Civil to larger animals.

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