Are you starting this visa? By Brendan McKenzie

After quickly visiting my cousins engagement party, being driven in an entourage with my family to the airport and a teary farewell with my nearest and dearest in the bar at Melbourne airport I was starting my adventure.

I had a few days stop through Singapore visiting my cousins then continued the journey on to the motherland.

After countless hours trying to sleep in airports in Singapore and Malaysia, then the dreaded 14 hour flight I was there. Stansted airport "London."

The Air Asia flight didn't have too many EU citizens so the line up for immigration was quite long, the anticipation building and finally I arrive and greet the officer. He flips through my passport, locates my visa, looks up and says "Are you starting this visa?" I smile and say "Yes;" walk through the gates, collect my bags and my adventure has begun.

in London, United Kingdom


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Brendan's website.


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