This Is Your Captain Speaking - Part 2 By Kathryn Woods

Part 2/3

After a few days listening to the tiresome rattle of the exhaust of the air conditioner outside of your room and realising your neighbouring holiday makers are also sick of the noise (someone has put a large rock on top of it!) you call maintenance to check it out. It turns out the whole unit is rusted right through and you are required to move rooms! You are in the middle of breast feeding your baby when the maintenance guy walks in and tells you this and you have no idea how to reach your husband who has gone off with your toddler son to play. Fifteen minutes later, your husband, the maintenance guy and the porter (young dude in shorts and t shirt) turn up with a trailer and you throw all of your belongings, which have been strewn around the room (including your dirty underwear!) and you are moved into another room. You think, wow this room is actually nicer so that was a blessing in disguise, even though the bed is giving you a sore back. After a bit of anxiety about the return trip, your fears are proven unfounded and you arrive home thankful to be in your own bed after a smooth day of travelling. The following day you start the masses of washing you have accumulated from you holiday. You take the backpack full of dirty washing and simply tip the entire contents into the machine.

Click here for part 3/3

in Whitsunday Island, Queensland, Australia


Ex dancer/primary school teacher, still ametuer writer, musician/graphic& interior designer, avid adventurer, human rights activist turned mother of two! Love life by the sea with my beautiful family.

See Kathryn's profile.


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