The Perfect Excuse By Faye Harris

My Dad, Albert Valentine Lunt, was born in Maryborough, Victoria on Valentines Day 1892 and had younger a younger brother called Cyril. My recollections of Dad’s younger days are not very clear but I know that he worked at Phelan’s in Maryborough learning to be a cabinet maker.

Dad’s Saturday afternoon was to take Uncle Cyril to the pictures but Dad only made sure Uncle Cyril was safe in the theatre would meet his mates and spend the afternoon in the local pub listening to the football and having one or two beers. Later he was always back at the picture theatre to meet his little brother after the film was over. By the time they had walked home Dad had quizzed Uncle Cyril about the film so he could tell Grandma all about what the picture was about!

My Dad never saw a moving picture in all his life!

in Maryborough, Victoria, Australia


Faye is a mother of 3 and grandmother of 5. An active member of St Lukes Anglican church and previous committee member of U3A. She found her WW1 relative through DNA testing.

See Faye's profile.


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