
So I was in prison in Bolivia... By Ashy Boy

NOTE: For those who don't believe this story, read/research "Marching Powder"... this is not a joke!

We paid to get taken in to a real prison, where the inmates show you around (for example, they showed us "Murderers Alleyway"). It's totally illegal, pretty mental, and there are shotguns everywhere. We did loads of cocaine with our "tour guide" (inmate done for "being in the wrong place at the wrong time" as he put it... or as it was: Drug trafficking :P) and thought it would be clever to ask one of our "security" (an inmate done for murder) why he was in.

I thought, "Fuck it, when else do you get to ask a real life murderer while off your head why he murdered someone!?"

And in a thick, Latino accent (like something out of Scarface) he said: ..."because he talk too much man".

End of story really - I swiftly shut the fuck up lol.

in Bolivia


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