Disaster stories

Holiday Illness

Got told this story last night at football training and had to share it. One of the local lads was recently on holiday with his girlfriend in Tenerif...

Liam Fleming

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The World Has Cancer! A TRUE STORY

Doc: Hello Mr Earth. Thanks for coming. Got your results back. It's not good I'm afraid... You have Cancer!...

Stu Pop Fisher

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The dangers of cliff jumping in Jamaica

Warning: The subject of this story has not been named and will have probably already forgotten about the incident....

Luke Simmons

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April Fools Joke on Myself

Today being 1st April, also known as ‘April Fools Day’ where we tend to play jokes on one another. ...

Lorraine Penn

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Driving Me up the Wall

My mother is a terrible driver in America, so I don’t know what made her think she could drive in Ireland....

Jess Blanchard

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Skirting the Issue

I was shopping with my sister-in-law in an alley in Delhi. I found a calf-length tight skirt that I liked but wasn't sure whether it’d fit right....

Basically Blah

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