Travelling stories

Small Town

The taxi collected me from the hotel as the blistering sun began to sink below the horizon, bathing Cable Beach in a swathe of orange....

Jamie J. Buchanan

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Surf, sleep or hang on for dear life!

I jumped in my car as time was running out to get to the doctors which wasn’t too far.

I was stopped by road works, and doctor’s car park was pretty chocca, typical....

Laura Boura

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Pub Toilet Graffiti and the Art of Avoiding Sectarian Violence

Graffiti’s not new. When they weren’t out subjugating barbarians, the Romans festooned their walls with phalluses....

Baz McAlister

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Jennifer who showed me no challenge is out of reach - Seven People That Changed My Life 6

I 'met' Jennifer on 4 Jan 1997 while waiting in an office to see if anyone was using it while its normal resident was on leave....

Bill Jarrard

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A night at a Hungarian strip club - never again!

My travel companion & I decided to check out the Budapest night life by going to a strip club. The lack of mood lighting & the fact that we were the ...

Craig Harrison

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Driving Me up the Wall

My mother is a terrible driver in America, so I don’t know what made her think she could drive in Ireland....

Jess Blanchard

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