Family stories

Ode to the Australian Huntsman spider

"Huntsman spiders, members of the family Sparassidae, are known by this name because of their speed and mode of hunting. They are total assholes."...

Luke Simmons

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Happy Days

Her bare feet dance across the soft green grass, her body poised gracefully like a dancer mid pirouette....

Jamie J. Buchanan

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Not Quite Right

I tried a bucket bong at a party one night, & for hours I thought I could hear voices in my head; so I started an acapella group... obviously. But then people just thought I had Tourettes....

Jennifer Burke

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Fat Chinas

So I was at a friends christening and have reached that stage in life where people look at you with sympathy or fear as you sit there on your lonesome! ...

Daisy Shepherd

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Genetics doesn't pass on professionally!

My Father's a Vet!

All my life I've been lucky to see some cool things in the animal world because dad's a Vet....

Stu Pop Fisher

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Has Anyone Seen My Xanax?

When you have children there’s a certain horrible pressure on you to be a good father. I'm not saying being a parent is terrifically difficult but th...

Andy Thompson

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