Outdoors stories

The Nudist Beach in Croatia Incident

"Hey guys! Apparently we're about to sail passed a nudist beach!"

At this very moment in mid 2007, I was on a sail boat tour in Croatia with my (...

Luke Simmons

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Outing to Sea Ridge

While travelling you always need a good mate so that you can enjoy your journey, on such a place you will feel so relax and comfortable that you don’t need any other person....

Anna Torv

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The Duke of Edinburgh didn't intend this...

We were full of the energy and optimism of youth as we set out that day as we set off on our DofE expedition....

Andy Boura

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A quick dip...

We'd been for a walk through some woodland, down and around a valley, as we made our way back up to the car park we came upon a beautiful pool beneath a waterfall....

Andy Boura

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Ding! Ding! DING!

It’s the law in Queensland to have a small bell attached to your bike. For the uninitiated, this bell is to be used to warn meandering pedestrians yo...

Andy Thompson

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Wait Until You See The Whites of Their Eyes...

“Move over. I need to rest my gun there” isn’t something I’d prepared myself to hear. I was inspecting a site near the town of Dululu and the farmer was having dingo problems....

Andy Thompson

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