Entertainment stories

I sneezed one complete hot chip out of my nose

You know that feeling you get when you’re about to sneeze?

Well I got it. While I had a hot chip in my mouth. While sharing a bowl of them, with a friend at a pub....

Xavier Toby

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I joined this because I'm basically the band geek from American Pie and have a story for everything....

Kimi Loughton

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Petitions, what's the point?

Petitions...what's the actual point?

Petitions were supposed to be a useful tool, one that we would utilise to make a change, to make the world a better place....

Paul McDougall

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A Blast From The Past

What an amazing coincidence happened to me recently, when I reconnected with a lady who taught me how to bellydance over an outrageous weekend approx...

Lorraine Penn

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I have inherited, from my Myanmar-born grandmother, tiny hands and feet. And while my hands have brought me glory, favorably commented upon by the ...

Jagari Mukherjee

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