Triple check flight bookings... By Liam Fleming

Here's a laugh. Up at 4am to get ready and head to Glasgow Airport to get a 7am flight to Gatwick. I was connecting with a flight to Cyprus where I'll be working for 4 months, exciting times, place I'm going looks amazing. So all was well until I tried to check in (6th July), "Sir, do you realise this boarding pass is for the 20th July?" Fuck! Only went and booked the wrong flight - AGAIN!

You see this wasn't the first time I had done this. Absolute idiot! As I stood there feeling helpless wanting the ground to swallow me up I somehow had to make it from Glagow to London in time for my flight to Cyprus. I Had to pay £340 for a flight and get four trains to make it on time, it should only have cost £70 if I booked it correctly first time round. I had to laugh or I would probably have went suicidal...

in Glasgow, United Kingdom


Aspiring comedian

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